Sunday, January 3, 2010

Internet Security and Computer Safety Tips

Here are several precautions you can take to greatly reduce your risk of potential problems.
• Website Information – Limit the personal and financial data you send to websites.
• Antivirus Software – Download and install the updates regularly.
• Personal Firewall Software – A further necessary piece of software, especially if you are browsing with a permanent internet connection. A firewall will obstruct incoming connections to your computer thus keeping out hackers.
• Passwords – Use extended random passwords and write them down. Don’t store passwords on your computer.
• E-mail – Delete spam without opening. Opening a message will lead to virus attacks on your computer. Never open an attachment unless you know who it is from and what it contains.
• Backups – Backup your data regularly. Remember to destroy your old backup data.
• Surfing the Web – Browse the web with cookies disabled. Only allow cookies from the web site you will revisit. Think about using a web browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. Explorer is a prime target of hackers.
• Laptop Security – Laptop computers are always on the thieves shopping list. Guard your laptop at all times. Delete unneeded files and data often from your laptop or handheld computer.
• Encryption – Data can be protected by installing an e-mail and file encryptor. PGP Security makes encryption software that makes your data into unreadable characters unless you enter the proper password. Use encryption for important documents.
• Defrag – Defragmenting your computer will keep it running faster without major problems. Before running defrag, use scan disk to find and correct problems. Access scan disk and defrag from your windows menu, or use Norton Disk Doctor for hard disk maintenance.
• Shut-Down – Always turn off your computer when not in use.

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