ON THE rare occasion that your pad printing machine may not be running properly, a good place to start in the troubleshooting process is to look at the programmable logic controller (PLC).
Sales Reps & Customer Support Contacts
Ask Our Nationwide Network of Representatives For Answers To All Your Pad Printing and Product Decorating Questions
Product Decorating and Pad Printing Technical Support
The service department at Trans Tech is dedicated to providing free technical support for the equipment you have purchased from us. This support is available by phone, fax, web site or e-mail.
How Do We Prepare Your Art? Full Service Art Department Fulfills Your Graphic Pad Printing Needs
AS EVERYONE in the decorating industry knows, pad printing enables two-dimensional graphics to be printed on three-dimensional surfaces. But just how the original artwork gets to the plate (cliché) is not so well-known. The highly specialized skills to create and manipulate an image prior to etching it onto pad printing plates are the niche of our production artists. Their valuable service is an ITW Trans Tech speciality.
How To Fast Track Your Art Files
Put Your Art & Cliché Order On the Fast Track
Art & Cliche Order Form (PDF)
Steel Cliche Care Tips
Steel Cliché Care & Maintenance - This article contains the most commonly requested information about the care and maintenance of steel clichés.
Silicone Rubber Pad Care Tips (PDF)
Quick Way To Measure Proper Ink Viscosity (PDF)
Here's a handy guideline for checking proper ink viscosity
Why Do I Need A Grey Scale Test?
FOR those of you who make your own polymer cliches and, at some time, have had trouble making good plates, the following scenario may sound familiar: you just processed a polymer and tried to print with it, but something is wrong– no image… bad image… uneven image?
Tooling For Your Pad Printing Application
For help with tooling, retooling or part holding fixtures for pad printing applications.
Transfer Pad Printing Trouble Shooting Guide (PDF)
This troubleshooting guide is intended to answer the basic questions that many of our customers frequently ask us about pad printing. Because so many factors contribute to a successful pad printing operation, it is sometimes difficult to solve unusual problems with simple, easy answers. However, our test print lab technicians have many years of experience with unique applications as well as basic “how to” issues of pad printing. If your particular situation requires special help, feel free to call us for further information at our TOLL-FREE Service Phone: 866.356.2041
Impresión Tampográfica - Guía de Detección de Fallas (PDF)
Pad Printing 101
This article will cover the fundamentals of this unique and flexible decorative process. This first section will include examination of the key components that play critical roles in pad printing.